The 2-metre social distancing requirement to be always maintained where possible including when leaving your car and returning after mass.
Please avoid “gathering” before entering church or after leaving.
Hand gel must be used when you come into church
Face coverings are optional.
The ‘ONE WAY’ arrow posters do not apply on Sunday. These are for Private Prayer days.
STEWARDS all wearing high viz jackets
Stewards will be in attendance to assist with seating arrangements and instructions on going forward to communion. They will hand out a Mass Leaflet/Newsletter to you on entering church. The Stewards will sanitize the benches after Mass has ended.
The Mass Leaflet/Newsletter MUST NOT be left on the benches. (Please take it home)
Please observe all notices and distance markings in church.
To find a seat in church, ONLY NUMBERED & NON CLOSED OFF PEWS to be used. Please use the middle or side aisles. There are also seats for use in front of Our Lady & Sacred Heart Chapels.
Maximum of three individuals to use each available bench. One at each end of a bench (where there is access from both ends) and one near the middle marked by masking tape.
Benches with only one side access can only accommodate 2 individuals and so more care is needed to maintain social distancing in these cases.
Family groups of 2 or more can sit together on a bench and the number of individuals on that bench will be reduced accordingly.
Statues and any other item in church etc must not be touched or used.
Please stay seated, apart from the Gospel.
To reduce public speaking: singing is not permitted and there will be no Gloria, Creed, or Bidding Prayers and a very brief sermon is recommended!!
There will not be any Offertory Procession or passing of Collections Bags..aagh..
At Entry & Exit there will be Boxes clearly marked ‘Church Collection’ for your donations!!
Please remain seated at the Our Father and there should be no ‘physical’ Sign of Peace.
After “Behold the Lamb of God….Lord I am not worthy” the priest will say “The Body of Christ” with the congregation replying “Amen”: This Amen replaces the one you say on receiving Holy Communion. The priest or minister will not say ‘The Body of Christ’ either.
To receive Holy Communion each row will be directed by a steward down the centre aisle and then return to their place down the side aisles. This may vary in the 3 churches: e.g..
In St Alban’s those in the back pews will be the first to be invited by a Steward to come forward.. then the next to the back and so on. Please return to your side via a Side aisle.
Side altar recipients will then come forward from each of the side altars.
When approaching the priest/minister for communion, arms should be at full stretch to maintain good distance between the priest and yourself – and remember no ‘Amen’.
Each recipient will then receive the host only in their hand at the altar steps and it will be given silently whilst standing.
CANDLES Votive candles will now be available but please keep distance if queuing.
PLEASE NOTE:-Candles will have been put in place and only lighting is needed
EXITING Please maintain distance when leaving via either the front or side doors.
Church is now open for private prayer on Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 11am to 3pm.
Tel:- 59331
Mobile:- 07974678922
We find ourselves living through very difficult times, where peoples health and jobs are at stake and people are not able to attend mass. Please, if you can, consider church funding during these difficult times. If you wish to setup a direct debit/standing order, or even make a direct transfer into the church bank account, here are the account details.
Account Name: srcdtr st alban blackburn
Sort Code: 20 55 34
Account No: 90783218
Barclays Bank PLC
Mosley Street Branch
Please check regularly our news page.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though Thou were already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. Amen.